This is a site dedicated to collating all of the lore for Fandaniel and Fandaniel-related characters.Still WIP!Research and screencaps by Jay | Designed by EnnieEndwalker spoilers ahead.


“I'm different, you see. From the ancients who clung to dear life. And from you. So don't bother trying to reason with me. You will find I have no reason. Or creed. Or any such tripe. I just want to destroy the world.”


Convocation RoleSeat of Fandaniel
Hashmal the Protector
Zodiac ConstellationLeo
TitlesLeader of the Telophoroi

Appearances & Mentions

Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty | MSQ 5.1 Lv. 80

Do you think? I find it amusing. Like dogs herding cattle to the slaughterhouse.
Before your majesty, I am but another dog. Lost, in want of a new master. A hunting dog if you should wish it so.
For I know full well the prey you would seek next.

Echoes of a Fallen Star | MSQ 5.2 Lv. 80 |

A recurring dream? They do so fascinate me. Might I trouble you for the details?
Indeed... Could Emet-Selch have found a way...? Precious few possess memories of the Final Days.
Why yes. Admittedly, my knowledge is mostly secondhand, but if you are interested, I will gladly tell you the tale...
The tale of the world's end.

Reflections in Crystal | MSQ 5.3 Lv. 80 |

I say... I knew that securing the palace would provide Your Radiance with depressingly little sport— but that you should fall asleep out of boredom!?
Splendid! Truly splendid! And my own preparations, you will be pleased to hear, proceed apace.
Oh yes, they proceed very well indeed. Frighteningly so. And we owe it not least of all to this singularly useful body I chanced to find.
With the Populares now all but destroyed, it will be the simplest of tasks to discredit their groundless assertions that I met with a grisly end.
And as the very-much-alive lord of House Brutus, I have a vast fortune at my disposal.
Ahhh, money, money, money! The great motivator! There is simply no better way to move men—and expedite plans—than with its alluring glint, would you not agree?
But wait...! Were we not acquainted, you and..."I"?
Should our familiarity cause you distress, I beg your forgiveness.
Ahhh, a dagger through my heart! That my deepest desire should forever remain unfulfilled! To live unrecognized! To die forgotten!
So it goes. Whatever this flesh may have been before, it serves only as a vessel now.
And I, faithful Fandaniel, labor only to advance my lord's ambitions.
Speaking of which, with the palace in our hands, we may now proceed with the next phase of the plan.
But how very odd... Despite all our havoc wreaking, old Elidibus did not deign to appear. Dare I hope...?
That the last of the gone?
Imagine it! Bound no more by the shackles of moldering memories—of damnable duty! Free at last to live for the moment!
Your Radiance. But give the word, and I shall go forth and prepare for you your hunting ground.

Futures Rewritten | MSQ 5.4 Lv. 80 |

Well, well, well, to be received by such an illustrious cast! Why, even the hero of the piece is here! I feel quite starstruck!
You saw straight through it... Anyone would think you'd dealt with Ascians before!
Permit me to introduce myself. I am Fandaniel, and may I say what a pleasure it is to finally make your acquaintance.
My, straight to business, is it? Suit yourself...
It is my intention to recreate the Final Days, to which end I have distributed a collection of rather ingenious devices—or "towers"—which will, in time, give rise to the grandest of spectacles!
You're quite right! Though I would expect no less from one responsible for eliminating my unsundered colleagues.
Honestly the three of them were obsessed with restoring the one true world. As a sovereign individial, however, I never had much interest in such things. I mean, why bother when you're just another sundered minion?
Admittedly, Elidibus was not convinced by that argument. But thanks to you, I'm finally free of his incessant nagging!
Free to use my powers as I see fit! To fulfill my heart's desire!
And my heart's desire is to lay this half-broken world to waste, leaving nary a fleck of dust behind!
Because I want wretched creatures who ask such meaningless questions to die!
And you!
And you!
I want you all to die!
And I want to die too! Oh yes, I want to die and take everyone with me in a paroxysm of pain and suffering!
I'm different, you see. From the ancients who clung to dear life. And from you.
So don't bother trying to reason with me. You will find I have no reason. Or creed. Or any such tripe.
I just want to destroy the world. But please do resist with all your might. It will add to my enjoyment.
Now then, ladies and gentlemen! Keep your eyes peeled, for the curtains have risen on the spectacle to end all spectacles!
We, the Telophoroi, shall be your performers, and this very star our stage!
Ah, but I nearly forgot! I have a message for you. Ahem! My esteemed patron, Lord Zenos, eagerly awaits you at the heart of the chaos.
While I wish only to destroy the world, he exists solely to relive a certain...transcendent moment with you, and it is for that reason he would reduce all to ash.
Pray see to it his dreams do not go unfulfilled. For if you should disappoint him...
My trusty companion here—whom I've dubbed "Lunar Bahamut"—will burn your cities and everyone in them.

When the Dust Settles | MSQ 5.5 Lv. 80 |

Well? Does this one meet with your approval?
Apparently not. Or...could it be that you're still upset about the dragons?
Oh, hardly at all. Though, admittedly, the chances of us being able to procure any more Meracydian dragons are rather slimmer following Tiamat's reappearance.
But the seeds have been sown, my lord! We have only to wait for them to quicken.
Speaking of preparations, is it safe to assume that you will be ready to control you-know-what?
A mighty Empire, now no more than an instrument of this star's destruction! What a pleasure it will be to put it to use!
Which brings me back to our earlier topic. My lord—while I appreciate that it is not an easy decision, it really is past time you chose your weapon.
Well, well... Not quite what I was expecting. Though I will say, it does seem rather apt.

Death Unto Dawn | MSQ 5.5 Lv. 80 |

And thus another plan went up in smoke! I am beginning to see why Lord Zenos thinks so highly of you...
Not that this changes anything, you understand. You have merely earned yourself a stay of execution.
Those Eorzeans certainly are a stubborn bunch, though I suppose you knew that already.
My plan to redirect the aether from Carteneau came to a rather less-than-satisfactory conclusion. It was, in many respects, an abject failure.
Which does of course raise the question of where we are going to procure the requisite amount. The obvious solution would be to draw on resources a little closer to home, though that would require our dreamer to dream a trifle more deeply...
Then let us begin the preparations at once. With the "gateway of the gods" complete, all that remains is to gather the necessary aether, and our prize shall be within reach!
The time has come to fulfill your heart's desire! My desire!
To relieve those wretched creatures of their meaningless existence!

Gateway of the Gods | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 83 | 🎥 📖

There's a funny joy in watching your flailing attempts to fight the inevitable. You're all going to die and are powerless to prevent it.
We really must be on our way. You're welcome to give chase, provided you are content to leave comrade and tempered alike to die screaming.


“Perhaps then our star will become a better place—not only for man, but for all life. Meteion. Though I gave you wings to soar the heavens, I did not teach you how to walk the earth. So loath was I to bind another living being.”


RoleChief of Elpis
ExpertiseFlying creations, modernly known as Cloudkin


TrismegistosArena-wide AoE that deals damage to everyone and creates a barrier around the edge of the arena.
HermeticaHermes will summon squares on the outside of the arena, which will shoot line AoE attacks after a few seconds. Make sure you’re no standing in the path of one.
True TornadoTankbuster — tanks, use mitigation here to lessen the damage. Be aware that this attack will fire twice in a row if Hermes casted Double.
MeteorHermes summons four meteors in a cross pattern into the arena. Stack in the middle to reduce the damage you take, but also take note of which meteor is not damaged after the fall.
True AeroTargets all party members with a line AoE attack. Standing at the four cardinal directions surrounding the boss will ensure no one gets hit twice. Be aware that this attack will fire twice in a row if Hermes casted Double.
True BraveryHermes will attempt to buff himself. You must interrupt this when you see it or else his attacks will gain a significant damage boost. If you took Trusts along, Emet-Selch will automatically interrupt this.
QuadrupleMuch like Double, Hermes will buff himself with this attack to quadruple his spell output.
True Aero IIHermes will drop AoE circles on the party. Do not stack with anyone to avoid taking critical damage. These AoEs will be followed by another set of AoEs that are dropped on a specific location, so move immediately after the first set fires.

Appearances & Mentions

In Search of Hermes | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 86 |

You are...?
Hythlodaeus... It's been a while. Too long, I think.
You are of the Convocation.
You do. You have traveled far for it.
Her name is Meteion. It means shooting star.
I haven't, as you say. I judged it too early. She's a pet project of mine—still undergoing preliminary testing.
But rest assured that I will attend in person ere long.
I have an inkling, yes. Please wait at the main building yonder.
I shall join you as soon as I've returned these creatures to their homes.
An ambystoma is missing...
The "fashion" has been to imbue aquatic creatures with the power of flight, ever since the Words of Mitron created a sky-swimming fish...
The ambystomas too can fly, if only slightly, and they could conceivably climb a tree. Whether they can come down safely, however... Excuse me.


“My, my, such unruly guests. 'Twould seem a little diversion is in order.”


SpecialtiesChimerobiology, Cloning, Vivimancy
Notable AchivementsResurrected Emperor Xande from the dead
Experimented onHimself, Emperor Xande, Scylla, Glasya Labolas, General Phlegethon (?), Doga, Unei, unnamed character who received a bear head in replacement of his own.
PersonalityGenius, Obsessive,

encyclopedia eorzea

Amon's Scheme
The empire was becoming crushed under it's own weight, inching ever closer to destruction while it's people sat glassy-eyed in their homes, dangerously dependent on the luxuries science afforded them. There was one man, however, who was not about to stand idly by as oblivion crept ever closer--a talented technologist by the name of Amon.

Amon believed that what the Allagans needed to save them was not another invention or technological breakthrough, but a strong leader--a leader who could ignite the fires in the hearts of men and wake society from it's apathy-induced stupor. A leader the likes of Emperor Xande the First. Instead, however, of waiting until another individual with the qualities of Xander appeared, Amon believed better success would be had with a more direct approach--resurrecting Xande himself.

Techniques to temporarily restore life to mortified flesh by growing it anew had already been discovered by Allagan scientists. Amon believed, however, a temporary return would not be enough to ensure a rise from the ashes of the one-mighty Allagan Empire. What were needed were secrets to eternal life.

And so Amon began a series of experiments, combining chimerobiology and cloning, in a last desperate effort to achive immortality. In the early stages of those excperiments, he used brigands and revolutionaries to test his newly developed techniques.

Once his methods had been refined, he moved next to the emperor's bloodline, and finally to his own self. The results were promising, prompting Amon to move to the second stage of his plan--the unearthing of Xande's tomb and the resurrection of the emperor. Utilising the solar energies collected in the Crystal Tower combined with his newly perfected vivification techniques, Amon achieved the impossible. Xande walked Eozrea once again.
One of few great minds in a land that had seen the slow, yet steady numbing of its people's intelligence, Amon long lamented the sorry state of Allag, concentrating his early scientific efforts on developing medicines to increase mental capacity. He soon realized it was not knowledge that the Allagans lacked. If anything, they had too much. What his people lacked was a leader. With a renewed sense of focus, Amon shifted his studies to the field of vivimancy, and was soon conducting experiments on his own flesh in order to attain his final goal--the resurrection of Xande the First.
A high-ranking archmage of the Allagan imperial cadres, Scylla was tricked by Amon--a lifelong adversary within the imperial court--into participating in the mad technologist's experiments with immortality. Promising never-ending life and limitless power, Scylla begrudgingly agreed to the alteration of her corporeal form, only to wake from the anesthetics to find the snapping maws of wild hounds, creatures most despised by the mage, where her own head had once been.
Glasya Labolas
One of Amon's few voluntary subjects, Glasya Labolas--comander of the Imperial Honor Guard--was fiercely loyal to the empire, joying himself by personally tracking down and mercilessly crushing any and all seeds of rebellion. The experiments were successful in granting the commander immortality, ensuring eternal service under the great Emperor Xande; however side effects saw his already-dark mind further fevered.
General Phlegethon
Leader of one of many rebellions that erupted in the waning years of the Allgan Empire, imperial annals paint Phlegethona s a murderous villain. Writings of the commonfolk, however, reveal the general's status as a hero of the people. Adored though as he was, the revolutionary leader was eventually captured by agents of the empire and his body was forcibly altered through sorcery and science, his mind broken and conditioned to obey.
Eyes Southward
Amon's genius and obsessive nature made dangerous bedfellows, leading to the death of countless subjects before ultimately bearing fruit. Not only was Xande resurrected from his millennium-long slumber, but had achieved both immortality and an otherworldly vigor in the process. Over the next few days, the emperor was briefed by Amon of the myriad changes the realm had seen in the thousand years since his death--the advancement of civilization, the extent of the empire's reach, and the state of her people. Once aware of what he had to work with, he moved quickly to right the ship, started with the assassination of the current emperor and any loyalists to the regime by Glasya Labolas-lead Imperial Honor Guard. With the throne reclaimed and potential challengers to Xande's authority conveniently disappeared, the new emperor wasted little time restoring the heretofore impotent Imperial Army to its former size and strength, and ordering it on it's first mission--the full-force invasion and the occupation of the southern continent, Meracydia.

Just as Amon had predicted, Xande's return had revitalized the empire, igniting a fire in the hearts of the complacent and providing them with purpose. The army's ranks swelled with new recruits, manufactories began hiring manual laborers to meet increased demand for weaponry, and scholarly circles were abuzz with new discoveries and inventions. The Allagan Empire would be great once again, and the road to greatness lead south. The Meracydians, however, were not about to give up their homes without a fight. While the empire's first wave of attacks were largely successful due to the fact they were unexpected, subsequent raids into Meracydia proved more difficult. The native peopls of the southern contintent banded together under the leadership of the dragons who also claimed dominion in Meracydia. While without equal on the Three Great Continents, the Imperial Army's chimerical warbeasts were no match for the dragons' fiery breath, and countless casualties were suffered. This however, only served to further motivate the scientists of Allag in their ungodly pursuit of might through biological manipulation, and it was not long before they had created abominations which exveeded the might of the Meracydian Horde. In a decisive and bloody battle, the Allagans slew the dawn wyrm, Bahamut, paving the way for immediate occupation...or so they believed.


Syrcus Tower

Blizzaga-ForteAn Ice based magic attack centered on Amon with a short radius AoE effect around him.Forte is a musical term that means 'loud'.
Thundaga-ForteA thunder based magic attack that places three purple circles on the ground. 
Firaga-ForteThere is no cast-bar, nor is there a way to avoid this ability. It’s a room-wide fire-based AoE that deals moderate damage. 
Experimental By ProductThese adds are spawned on the edges and rush to Amon. 
Kum KumAfter the Kum Kum adds spawn players get a purple tether-orb. Drag these orbs to Kum Kum to make them small. Afterwards these adds are easily dealt with. Tether-orbs continue to spawn until the Kum Kum adds are dead. 
KichiknebikThese snakes spawn at the same time that players are turned into frogs. Each Frog has a specific snake chasing them. However, in frog form players get a strong attack that allows them to kill the snakes that aren’t chasing them faster. Some coordination makes for easy snake management. 
Curtain CallAt around 20% Amon turns three players to ice blocks. These players take continuous damage while in the ice, so keep them alive. If the player dies, the block is destroyed. Players not in the ice need to hide behind it in order to survive Curtain Call.A curtain call is the appearance of one or more performers on stage after a performance to acknowledge the audience's applause.

Thundaga Forte

Firaga Forte

Blizzaga Forte

Curtain Call

The Aitascope

Dark ForteThis is a Tankbuster that deals heavy damage only, Shield up and use defensive cooldowns to mitigate it.
Thundaga ForteAmon will drop a proximity marker in the center of the arena which spawns conal AoE markers around the entire area. A current (in a lighter color) will travel up two cones next to each other at different speeds, once they reach the end, the AoE will go off. Stand on the slower current first and then switch to the other once the first goes off.
Strophe and AntistropheStrophe will see Amon summon a gate on the ground. Antistrophe will then seem him raise it and, when the cast is finished, shoot out line-AoEs either side of the gate. Stand in safe spot away from the gate to avoid it. As the battle continues, Strophe can summon two gates in different locations, so you’ll have to be more careful with your positioning.
Left Firaga Forte, Right Firage ForteAmon will cleave either the left or right side of the arena based on the attack he uses. Keep in mind that this is Amon’s left or right, not your camera’s so be sure to position accordingly.
Entr’acteThis is a group-wide attack that deals moderate damage to all party members. Simply heal up and use Shields to mitigate.
Eruption ForteAmon will summon a large circle AoE marker on the ground that will explode shortly after, move away from this to avoid it.
Curtain CallThis is Amon’s ultimate attack and takes a while to cast. To begin with, two circle AoEs will appear under random players and then explode shortly after. Once the cast bar reaches 50%, Shiva will appear and drop large blocks of ice in the center of the arena, this will damage you if you’re on the AoE so stand back and then quickly get behind them to avoid the Curtain Call attack. Any players that are not behind the crystals will suffer instant KO.





Appearances & mentions

Syrcus Tower | MSQ 2.3 Lv. 50 |

My, my, such unruly guests. 'Twould seem a little diversion is in order.
Fancy a spot of mummery?

Tipping the Scale | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 80 |

Amon, at your service.
Imagine a nation of unbridled prosperity.
Every need, met; day after day of unbroken, unshakable peace.
Existence, fulfilled.
And ripe for decay.
No more than entertainment for bored wastrels ignorant of its worth. My all-consuming work...
But it was not their only indulgence.
For they were ever hungry for stimulation. Slaves to the slightest hint that amusement was afoot.
Our nation was ailing...but I would see the posion purged.
I resurrected a legend—our first and greatest emperor.
And just as I had planned, he set our wayward empire back on the path of conquest.
An inexhaustible ambition carried us onwards, always onwards.
Yet he who delivered to us such glory was not to be satisfied.
The fall of the empire affirmed the truth. Majestic and the emperor foresaw.
Scheme as you like, build as you will. Nothing endures.
What is life, but a brief jaunt ending in emptiness?

The Aitiascope | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89 |

So bold, so headstrong. Stubborn to the last.
But this is as far as you go. Oblivion beckons!
Lies...all lies...
Your dreams, your hopes, your futures... Delusions and lies!

Her Children, One and All | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89 |

My very essence...begins to wane. Sweet, sweet agony...
Come to deal the coup de grâce?
Good... Watching you struggle against the inevitable is bad comedy. Erase me from existence, soul and all.
How would you know that name?
Then it was you—in Elpis, with Emet-Selch. Ha! The final pieces fall into place.
In my halcyon days as the mortal Amon, I was haunted by a dream...
Night after night, the faceless multitude. The voiceless cries. Shards of shattered memories.
But slowly the fog began to clear. This was Elpis, and I...I was Hermes.
Recurring though it was, I paid this dream little heed.
It was only when I was granted the seat—and memories—of Fandaniel that I knew these visions to be true.
They were the memories of Hermes, that he himself erased using the power of Kairos.
Or so he thought. In his attempt to burn away the events of that fateful day, he succeeded only in searing them more deeply into his soul. My soul.
Death failed to expunge them, no matter how many times it came. Rebirth after rebirth, from one Fandaniel to the next.
I wonder—is Emet-Selch adrift somewhere in this aetherial sea, in defeat finally remembering your time together in Elpis?
How it must gall him—to be entrusted with knowledge of the Final Days, only to be rendered powerless to act upon it! So many lifetimes dedicated to restoring his beloved Amaurot in blissful ignorance. Oh, folly.
But make no mistake... My life as Hermes is not the reason I invited the world's end.
I have lived. I have struggled. I have dedged the very depths of despair. And in the detritus of existence, I found the truth.
I served a great ruler, powerful beyond measure, the world his dominion. Yet even he and his vast empire were destined to fall—to become one with oblivion. At the end of life's journey...lies only death.
So I ask you—why live at all?
We betray, we torment, we murder. We are wicked, spiteful creatures—without exception!
If life is so sacred, so precious, why fill it with such misery?
Man wallows in a hell of his own making, without purpose or meaning.
To live is to suffer... And I would end that suffering by my own hand!
It matters not if it flies in the face of all believed right and just. Death is the only solution!
That is my truth. My answer to the question, and yet...
...Even as the words pass my lips, I am filled with doubt.
Has my search reached its end?
Was this the only way?
After all these years...
Is this the answer I was hoping for?
WoLI'll do what must be done.
AmonHeh... And what might that be?
AmonMy wish is all but granted—to die and take you all with me.
WoLNext time, we will find the answer together.
AmonEven here. Even now...
AmonYou have every right to hate me. For the fool I was, for the monster I became.
AmonBut I will not beg forgiveness. The tale of Hermes—the man who knew so much, yet understood so little—ends here.


“All in existence, bend to my will!”


Other NamesThe Dark Lord
Eternal Darkness
Trial Music"Endcaller"


The Dark Inside

KokytosUnavoidable raidwide damage, will reduce all party members' HP to 1.
ExoterikosZodiark will tether to an Arcane Sigil at the edge of the arena: An Arcane Sigil with a triangle will cast Esoteric Sect, a conal AoE towards the center of the arena. An Arcane Sigil with a square will cast Esoteric Dyad, a square AoE that covers that half of the arena.
AniaTank buster on the current main tank.
ParadeigmaSummons untargetable concepts on the arena that do an AoE after a short while: Behemoths will cast a circular AoE and pythons will cast a line AoE.
PhlegethonPlaces ground AoEs under players.
StyxStack marker that hits multiple times for heavy damage.
Complete ControlTransition to phase two.
Astral FlowWill fetter players, rendering them unable to move: Zodiark will then rotate the arena (but not the players), and any Paradeigma concepts currently on the arena.
AdikiaCasts two large semi-circular AoEs in succession. Head close or far from Zodiark to dodge.
Triple Esoteric RayCreates line AoEs that go off sequentially from Zodiark. Dodge into the ones that go off first.
AlgedonZodiark will move to a corner of the arena, where he will then do a charge line AoE down the middle. Head to the opposite corner to dodge this.
Astral EclipseZodiark will fly away and summon stars that fall onto the arena: The pattern of the stars shows where the stars will fall and explode. Dodge three sets of stars as Zodiark returns. The order which he flew around the arena is the order they will fall.
Trimorphos ExoterikosWill cast Exoterikos on the three sides opposite of Zodiark in succession.

The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall.

KokytosUnavoidable raidwide damage, will reduce all party members' HP to 1.
ParadeigmaSummons a series of tokens, which will have different shapes of AoE damage depending on the token. Bird Token: Raid-wide AoE dealing lethal damage, with only 2 safe spots in melee range, and far away. Looks like a donut; Behemoth Token: Large point-blank AoE dealing damage in a circle around the token; Snake Token: Deals AoE damage in a line in a large front of it. Picturing the arena as a 4x4 grid, a Snake Token's AoE will always cover either one row, or one column.
StyxGroup stack magic damage hitting multiple times in succession. It starts with 6 hits, and every time it is cast, it will hit one more time.
AniaTankbuster dealing heavy magic damage and inflicting Umbral Rays, a debuff causing Zodiark's attacks to deal lethal damage and forcing a tank swap. The attack takes the form of a small circle surrounding the target, so make sure tanks are not accidentally clipping other players.
ExoterikosZodiark summons a large Arcane Sigil of a random color in one of the 4 cardinal directions, which will then use Esoteric Sect, an AoE with a shape depending on the sigil's color. After a short while, a shape will appear on the sigil, further clarifying the shape of the AoE that will appear. The sigils appear on the enmity list to easily show the timing of this attack. Red Sigil (Rectangle): Inflicts damage on the entire half of the arena that the circle is present in; Blue Sigil (Triangle): Inflicts damage as a large cone originating from the circle across the entire arena; Green Sigil (Diamond): Inflicts damage as large line AoE in front of it across the arena, covering roughly one third of the arena.
AlgedonZodiark will move to one of the 2 front corners and use a large line AoE that will knock players off the arena if hit. The only safe spots are the two corners that are not Zodiark's and the coner across from his.
PhobosHeavy raidwide magic damage, also inflicting a heavy DoT in the form of Bleed. Heavy mitigation is suggested, in order to reduce the potency of the Bleed.
Astral FlowZodiark will raise players into the air and rotate the entire arena 90 degrees either clockwise or counter-clockwise, with all tokens placed by Paradeigma moving with it. Neither players nor Exoterikos squares will be rotated.
AdikiaZodiark will slam each half of the arena with a large circle AoE one by one, hitting the west side first, and then the east in quick succession. Safe spots for both hits are in the direct north and south of the arena.
Rolling DarknessFour orbs will appear in the center of the arena, and Zodiark will begin charging his "Zodiark's Power" gauge. If Zodiark's Power reaches 100, the raid will wipe. As the phase continues, Zodiark will summon 3 sets of Arcane Sigils: Triangle-Diamond-Triangle, Diamond-Triangle-Diamond, and Diamond-Rectangle-Diamond. While the Sigils of each set are exactly the same, the order that the sets appear in is random. For Sigil patterns which include Triangle sigils, there will always be a safe spot on the wall directly on the left or right side of the Sigil, as the cone will not be wide enough to hit the wall. When all orbs are destroyed, Zodiark will use Apomnemoneumata, dealing heavy magic damage and signifying the end of the phase. [Do not confuse with ENRAGE, which have the same name.]
Astral EclipseZodiark will become untargetable and circle outside the arena, summoning 3 sets of meteors in the skies east, south, and west of the arena. These meteors will then strike into the arena, one set at a time, dealing lethal damage and inflicting a Vulnerability Up stack.
ApomnemoneumataZodiark will cast Apomnemoneumata, serving as the encounter's enrage timer.

Appearances & mentions

The Dark Inside | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 83

All I craved and more... Boundless power, mine to command...
Hahaha... Ahahahaha...
I had intended to pit my fractured divinity against Zenos...but a more tempting option presents itself.
The greatest obstacle to my ambition. You will trouble me no longer.
Establishing connection. All creation shall bend to my will...
The end has come... and it will be beautiful!
Malice... become flesh!
The marvels of Syrcus were but playthings...
Will you live to see the end?
Soon my hold over Zodiark shall be complete...
Mine... all mine!
At last, I am become Zodiark!
The natural order overturned...
...All in existence bent to my will!
My life's work... my masterpiece!
How I've waited for this day!
The great cataclysm... faithfully recreated.
From broken skies fall tears of flame...
All shall burn!

The Dark Inside (Extreme) | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 83

Darkness rises!
The instrument of salvation...
...Tolling the death knell of all creation!
Still... Still you refuse to yield!?
Now comes the end for you and all you hold dear.
Is this the limit of your power!? Is this how it ends!?

The Martyr | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 83

Haha...heh heh heh... Incomplete...and insufficient. Of course He was no match.
Once again, you have left my best-laid plans in ruins...
And played your role to perfection, thus sealing my victory!
From the first, all I wanted was for you to kill Zodiark.
'Twas but one of many methods to achieve the desired effect. 'Twould've been the same had Zenos died in my place.
But what better and more satisfying way to ensure success than to take control myself?
My sole regret is that you live to tell the tale. Even so, I have fulfilled my heart's desire!
Let your murder mark the beginning of the end...
The coming of the Final Days!


“Greetings and salutations! Can you hear me? Do not be alarmed—I mean you no harm. I wish only to hear your words, share your feelings, and know your thoughts. May we please be friends?”


TypeEntelechy, First Entelechy possessed of free will
Name Meaning"Shooting Star"


The Final Day

Attack Names
Death's Embrace
Feathers of Despair
Elegeia Unforgotten
Prayers of Hope

The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria

Attack Names
Grip of Despair
Twinsong's Aporrhia
Aporrhia Unforgotten
Theological Fatalism
Despair Unforgotten
Endsong's Aporrhia

Appearances & mentions

In Search of Hermes | MSQ 6.0 Lv. ??

Heh heh! They have such funny faces!
Ohh! Ahh!
Different! You're different too!
You and me. We're alike. Friends, I want to be–
Wait... Please...wait...
Greetings and salutations! Can you hear me?
Do not be alarmed–I mean you no harm, I wish only to hear your words, share your feelings, and know your thoughts.
May we please be friends?
May we please... be friends!
Hythlodaeus...Well, you certainly have her attention. Is she one of yours, Hermes?
HermesHer name is Meteion. It means shooting star.
HythlodaeusIf I may make an observation, her aether is terribly thin. I fear she might dissapate at any moment.
HythlodaeusNor do I believe you've made a submission to the bureau. I would remember such a concept if you had.
HermesI haven't, as you say, I judged it too early. She's a pet project of mine–still undergoing preliminary testing.
MeteionWhat's wrong, Hermes?
MeteionI'll help too!
MeteionHermes! Are you... all right?
MeteionThe ambystoma. Hermes saw it high up the tree.
MeteionHe climbed up to get it. But it jumped on him, and he slipped...
MeteionHermes! Are you all right?
HermesQuite all right, yes... My apologies for making you worry, Meteion.
MeteionI'm glad they're safe! Hermes and the ambystoma!

Ponder, Warrant, Cherish Welcome | MSQ 6.0 Lv. ??

Some creations stay outside. Others stay at Ktisis. Like the ambystomas!
HermesIt's just...I cannot fathom why someone so great and wise, who could still do so much good, would want to end it all...
HermesOh no, I've made her upset...
HermesForgive me—I know I requested your presence. Might I trouble you to take Meteion outside? A change of scenery would do her good.
HythlodaeusDon't mind us, my friend. Please tend to Meteion.
I'm sorry, ____ ... I didn't want─ Didn't mean─ <sigh>
...A walk. Perhaps we can go for a walk?
Hermes gets sad. When he thinks about death.
When others are sad, I'm sad too. That's how I am. How he made me.
But don't worry. I'm fine now.
So...why did you come here?
You want to learn about Elpis and Hermes? Ooh, ooh, teach you! I can teach you!
We could take turns! I tell you something...then you tell me something!
Sounds like fun!
It will be! It will be!
Sure, why not.
Then it's settled!
Sounds like a bother...
Awww... I won't be a bother. So please, ____ . Please!
Hehe, you won't regret it! I'll teach you lots and lots of things!
Um, where to start... Ah, yes! Let's talk to Memnon. He should be near the aetheryte.
I'm not good at explaining, but Memnon is. So I'll have him explain instead.
Let's go and talk to Memnon. He should be near the aetheryte.
Oh, are you busy? Then I'll wait at the building.
Ah, you're back! Let's go, let's go!
Ah, the aetheryte. Anyone can use it to teleport anywhere!
Well, maybe not anywhere. Not to the ground or other isles.
For that, you need teleporters. Oh, and permission!
This is ____ . Could you teach them about Elpis?
MemnonThe two of you, too, were created with the hope of making the star a better place. So heed your masters well and be good, do you hear?
MeteionWe will, Memnon, we will. Thanks for the lesson!
MeteionYou had a turn. Now I get a turn!
MeteionWhere did you come from?
From a place far, far away.
Hmmm, then I probably don't know it. I don't know much about other places.
From the Crystarium...I guess?
Crys...tarium? I've never heard of it.
From a place facing a great threat.
Th-There's such a place? I had no idea...
But this place is important to you. I can feel it.
Oh, my power! I haven't told you about it.
A creation. Let's find a creation. One not being watched. Then I'll explain my power!
Let's find a creation. One not being watched. Then I'll explain my power!
...Spriggans? What are spriggans?
Oh no, we call them oreiai. If there's many. If it's just one, we say oreias!
Though they're cute, they can be naughty.
Sometimes, they run off with concept crystals. And Hermes has to run after them!
Oh! This creation is perfect!
But...I don't remember seeing it before. Perhaps it's new?
Anyway, I'll try reading its mind. That's my power!
Hmmm... I can't read it. Or maybe...there's nothing to read?
Wait... Please, wait... I'll try again. With you this time...
Greetings! Can you hear me?
This is my power. I can read the emotions of those around me, and project my emotions to others in return.
I am not actually speaking to you in your mind. Rather, you are converting my emotions into words and intention─a process performed subconsciously by intelligent life-forms.
This ability is vital to my mission, for it allows me to interact with intelligent beings even should they communicate via unknown languages or other nonverbal means.
As a consequence, I am clumsy at speaking...
Yet though I struggle to express myself in this fashion, Hermes wants me to speak as much as possible, for everyone has thoughts and feelings that they may wish to hide...
I harbor an affection for you. One that is difficult to define.
Aside from the fact that you share common traits with us, your thoughts are complex. Prismatic. They draw me in, and leave me wanting to know more.
Out of respect for your privacy, I will refrain from using my power when speaking with you. Nevertheless, I want you to know that I wish to be your friend.
Did you...hear me?
Heh heh, good! Now it's my turn again! So...what are you good at?
Ooh, fighting! That must mean you're strong!
Hermes is strong too. But he doesn't like to fight. Even when creations fight him.
Ooh, gathering! I like gathering too!
What do you gather? Where do you go? How do you get there? Do you fly too!?
It's a secret!
Ooh, a secret! That's something you want to hide! Just leave it to me...
There! I've blocked it out. I can't block everything─not strong feelings. But that wasn't too strong.
Oh, not creating...but crafting? Putting things together with your hands...
That sounds like fun! I can't use creation magicks. But maybe I can learn to craft!
Playing? I'm still not sure what that means...
Hermes says, “Let's play.” But then he goes for a walk. Or looks at creations. It's fun, but no different from work.
I-I think we might be bothering it...
Let's keep going. We'll go and see Euanthe next. She's usually in a small building. One on the west row.
EuantheWell, well, if it isn't Meteion. I see you've brought a friend today.
MeteionGreetings, Euanthe! Um, an apple. Could you make me an apple?
MeteionThe kind Hermes likes. Covered in syrup. I want to share it with ____ !
EuantheOh, candied apple? Hermes is certainly partial to them, but you know you can't eat, Meteion. You weren't made to do so.
MeteionB-But I like it too...
EuantheIt may seem that way, but it's due to your ability to share others' feelings. You've taken Hermes's likes for your own.
EuantheIn any case, I can't prepare an apple right now, but I'll bring one for Hermes soon. I promise.
MeteionI'm sorry, ____ ... I wanted to show you my favorite thing. Then I could ask about yours. But I failed...
Tell her what you like.
Ooh, that's what you like? Yes... Yes, I can feel it! Your joy and happiness!
And it makes me happy too! Thanks for sharing it with me, ____ !
MeteionWell, we've walked and talked a lot. Maybe Hermes has finished talking too. Shall we go and see?
MeteionI hope Hermes isn't sad anymore...
HermesIs Meteion still outside?
HermesThere you are. I can see the fresh air has done Meteion good.
Meteion____ wanted to learn about you and Elpis. So I taught them!
MeteionAbout this place. About my power. About your favorite food!
HermesI'm not sure if that last one will be of any use...
HermesBut I do appreciate your keeping Meteion company. While you were away, I finished speaking with our guests.
HermesMy apologies...
HermesIt has been decided that Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus will accompany me as I tend to my duties.
HermesIf you wish to learn more, perhaps you would like to come too?
HermesI do not mind. To see the joy their presence brings Meteion, I cannot imagine our mysterious friend harbors malicious intent.
Meteion____ is kind. Really, truly! They taught me as much as I taught them!
MeteionYou're coming, of course? To watch Hermes? You're bound to learn lots and lots!
HythlodaeusThough I see new creations on a daily basis, here they look at them with a different eye. It will be interesting to observe Hermes at work.
MeteionThis time we all get to go for a walk! Isn't it exciting?
MemnonWell, well, if it isn't Meteion's friend. Your learning is coming along well, I trust?

Lives Apart | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 86

MeteionSo beautiful, petalouda! I hope they make it into the world!
HythlodaeusA fascinating creation─much like yourself, little one. Renowned as Hermes is for his flying life-forms, 'tis a rare privilege to be able to see one of his works in progress.
Emet-SelchWe're meant to be observing Hermes, but instead we're stuck with Meteion...
Emet-SelchWell, I suppose she herself serves as proof of his prowess as a researcher and creator both.
MeteionInteresting! You're interesting too! Tell me, how did you find the ambystoma?
Hermes...Hmm, it appears Meteion is busy.
HermesWould you care to assist me in her stead, and feed the pneuma?
WoLIs Meteion an arcane entity? / Is Meteion a living being?
HermesA good question. I can answer it from a theoretical standpoint, but it ultimately falls to the Bureau of the Architect to pass judgment.
HermesThose with exceptional vision such as Hythlodaeus may be able to ascertain her true nature...
HermesBut to me, it doesn't matter. She is herself, and that is all I need to know.
Hermes...Hmm, it appears Meteion is busy.HermesWould you care to assist me in her stead, and feed the pneuma?
HermesAmazing, is it not? The ampelos─one of our newest subjects.
MeteionIt's adorable, but beware its sneeze! Hermes went flying once!
MeteionThis place is Elpis! Those flowers, Elpis!
MeteionEntelechies! Like me!
HermesDynamis, we call it.
HermesAnd those entities like the Elpis flower, that have the ability to interact with this energy, converting emotions into tangible phenomena...
Hermes...Are entelechies.
MeteionThat's me, that's me! An entelechy!
HermesThat you are, my dear. And no ordinary one at that, but the first possessed of free will.
Emet-SelchIntriguing... Then given the limitations you described, why create Meteion?
HermesOur star, Etheirys, is especially rich in aether. So much so that its name is derived from it.
HermesHowever, when we consider all energy in existence, here and in the vast space beyond, dynamis may account for as much as sixty-eight point three percent.
HermesThe more abundant form by far. Were we able to control it, we could open the door to limitless possibilities.
HermesTis not unlike a gently flowing stream, unable to break through the dam of aether barring its path. But if we could imbue this stream with the vigor of a raging river...
Hermes...Not that I have such grand amibitions.
HermesNay, I merely wished to create a being that could traverse the great expanse.
HermesThe relative scarcity of aether beyond the bounds of this star was a concern, and so I looked to another source of energy by necessity.
HythlodaeusThat being dynamis.
HythlodaeusNo wonder her aether is so thin.
MeteionYours is thin too. Like an entelechy. Like me.
MeteionSo...are we the same? Entelechies?
Emet-SelchIntriguing... Then given the limitations you described, why create Meteion?
HermesOur star, Etheirys, is especially rich in aether. So much so that its name is derived from it.
HermesHowever, when we consider all energy in existence, here and in the vast space beyond, dynamis may account for as much as sixty-eight point three percent.
HermesThe more abundant form by far. Were we able to control it, we could open the door to limitless possibilities.
HermesTis not unlike a gently flowing stream, unable to break through the dam of aether barring its path. But if we could imbue this stream with the vigor of a raging river...
Hermes...Not that I have such grand amibitions.
HermesNay, I merely wished to create a being that could traverse the great expanse.
HermesThe relative scarcity of aether beyond the bounds of this star was a concern, and so I looked to another source of energy by necessity.
HythlodaeusThat being dynamis.
HythlodaeusNo wonder her aether is so thin.
MeteionYours is thin too. Like an entelechy. Like me.
MeteionSo...are we the same? Entelechies?
MeteionEntelechy or no, we're friends! In thinness!

Their Greatest Contribution | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 86

HythlodaeusThere is a slight difference in aetheric balance between these charybdises.
MeteionWhy is this one blue and shiny...?
MeteionWe must help the charybdis to fly. Or else they will all die!
HermesWith apologies to Emet-Selch, but this may be the best approach. Let us work together to win him over!
MeteionI'll persist too!
HermesI'm given to understand you have the power to help the charybdis─and should be quite willing to do so.
HermesAnd so I appeal to your better nature, most benevolent Emet-Selch. Please teach it to fly!
MeteionOr else Hermes will transform! Right now!
MeteionPlease, Emet-Selch! Please!
Emet-SelchI did not come all this way to play nursemaid to your creations. I'd thank you to remember this favor...and let it be the last.
MeteionWell done, my pet! Well done!
HermesIt's flying... It's really flying, as if it were born to do so... Thank goodness...
MeteionLook, ____ ! Look how well the charybdis flies!
HermesThese creatures are already here. We will spare no effort in giving them a chance to survive.
Troubled ObserverAs you wish, Chief. As you wish.
HermesI'm fine. Don't worry.
MeteionAll the creations are happy. That makes me happy too!

Aether to Aether | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 86

WoLI'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I don't think I've found it yet...
HermesIf only my work were more interesting... Nevertheless, I'm still indebted to you for keeping Meteion company. If there is aught I might do, you need but ask.
HermesWhere is the scene of the incident?
Seasoned ObserverJust off the path to the Twelve Wonders. As you make your way, you should see it on the left. I don't know if Doros is still there, however.
MeteionH-Hermes! Wait!
MeteionIt's heavy... Hermes's pain...
HermesI will go on ahead. Please follow with ____ .
MeteionCome, come. It's down this path and over the bridge.
MeteionThere it is─the Twelve Wonders. Hermes is looking for Doros. Let's look for Doros too!
MeteionHe's a man with long, blond hair...I think. I'll know him when I see him!
MeteionCome on, let's find Doros. He's a man with long, blond hair...I think!
MeteionAll right! I'll wait in front of the Twelve Wonders.
MeteionReady to look for Doros again? Let's go, let's go!
Blonde-haired Woman...Hm? If you're with Meteion, then I assume you're on an errand for Hermes. What can I do for you?
MeteionS-Sorry, wrong person! We're looking for Doros...
MeteionNot Doros! His hair is long, but the color is wrong.
MeteionDoros! That's Doros!
Blond-Haired ManWell now, if it isn't Meteion. What brings you here?
MeteionTo man, other beings are just things. To be used and controlled. Like magic.
MeteionThat's what Hermes told me once...

Aether to Aether | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 86

HermesI fear this discussion may take a while, during which time...
HermesMeteion? Are you feeling unwell?
MeteionIt's not me, Hermes. It's you...
MeteionI won't go to the meeting. I'll stay with ____ .
HermesLoath though I am to impose, may I leave Meteion in your care again?
HermesI'm in your debt. If you'll excuse me...
MeteionCan you help me with something, ____ ?
MeteionThe meeting will make Hermes sad. I want to cheer him up. With a flower.
MeteionHermes likes flowers the most. Of all the creations in Elpis.
MeteionMost creations are expected to be interesting. Or beautiful. Or strong. Better in some way.
MeteionBut flowers are different. They're designed to suit our emotions. What we feel and want to convey. Hermes likes that.
MeteionI can't make flowers. So I'll search for one. And I want you to search with me.
MeteionLet's start here. At the Twelve Wonders.
MeteionLet's search the Twelve Wonders first.
MeteionAll right! I'll wait at the building.
MeteionHermes is still talking. We still have time!
Vibrant purple flowers bigger than your hands adorn the tree.
Oooh, so big and bright! I love them!
...But they might be too bright. You have to think of the recipient. That's what Hermes said.
Let's head outside next. Don't worry─we won't wander far.
A tall, slender tree rises before you. You crane your neck to look for flowers.
No flowers... If there were apples, we could've covered them in syrup...
Let's head outside next. Don't worry─we won't wander far.
Lots of flowers in the fields. We should be able to find something nice!
An array of beautiful flowers grow in the bed, their mix of colors forming a pattern.
These would be better for Hermes...but they're hedged in.
That means we shouldn't touch them. They're either under observation or poisonous.
Any other place should be fine, though. Let's keep looking!
Vibrant or subdued...? Interesting or plain...? Hmmm...
Set on a tall, thin stalk, the oddly shaped flower is mesmerizing in its undulations...
Oh, a coneion! A flower that can move!
When Hermes wasn't looking, it shot seeds at him. Not a good gift, maybe...
But you're good, ____ ─at spotting flowers! We'll find something soon!
You're good at observing, ____ . Just like an observer!
You spy nothing promising nearby. At best, common-looking grasses with some few tiny flowers...
Hmmm, nothing around here... Ah!
Over there, ____ ! Something big! Huge!
Come on, let's get closer! But not too close!
A terrible stench reminiscent of sodden old boots pervades the air... Without a doubt, the culprit is the morbol-like creature before you.
It's an adonis! The things around its mouth look like petals. But the flowers are the orbs on its head!
When Hermes inspected it, it swallowed him up. He didn't leave his room for days. What do you think, ____ ? Would he like it?
So not this one either...
Finding a good flower... It's harder than I thought.
I'm sorry, ____ , but could we search a little more? Maybe as far as the fields over there. I'll pick something after that, I promise.
I've never given a gift before... Were you nervous too? For your first time?
Lush, green fields stretch out before you, ending where the sky begins...
Awww... There's nothing...
...Hm? The shiny thing over there. What could it be?
I learned something new recently—the meaning of Philomythes Notos!
“Notos” is a south wind person...and “Philomythes” is his joy! Why is he joyful? Because this place is so beautiful!
I've known the pain and sorrow of loss.
I see...
Hermes has known the same. The feeling that a part of you is gone. Again and again. But no one notices...
Please, ____ . Won't you lend it to me? Your pain and sorrow...
I've felt great fury and frustration.
I see...
Hermes has felt the same. A fire burning in your breast. A trembling hand. But no one understands...
Please, ____ . Won't you lend them to me? Your fury and frustration...
I've been plagued by doubt and anxiety.
I see...
Hermes has felt the same. A shortness of breath. The walls closer and closer. But only him. No one else feels it...
Please, ____ . Won't you lend them to me? Your doubt and anxiety...
I daresay I have a few.
You don't have to say it. I can feel it's something you want to hide.
But won't you lend it to me? The darkness inside you?
I want you to make the flower dark. In front of Hermes.
He has been in a dark place. Since before he created me. He needs to know that he isn't there alone. That others are sad too.
Truly? You'll do it?
Thank you, ____ ! Thank you! It means more to me than I can say!
I can't wait to see how Hermes reacts! Let's go back and fetch him!
It seems they're still talking. Let's wait until they've finished.
HermesOh... You were waiting for me.
MeteionYou've finished talking?
HermesYes. We've come to a decision.
HermesMy thanks for keeping Meteion company.
MeteionWait! I want to show you something first.
HermesElpis flowers...?
MeteionGo on!
MeteionYou're not the only one, Hermes. Others feel sad too. You're not alone.
HermesI see Meteion has shared much with you.
HermesTo pose that question to our undiscovered cousins, I created beings of dynamis, who can traverse the vast emptiness between the stars. Meteion and her sisters.
HermesAye, sisters.
HermesShe has a great many of them, and they have already departed on their journey. Traveling to one star, and then the next, in search of life.
HermesCome, Meteion! Let us head back.
MeteionAll right!
MeteionI'm glad Hermes saw the flowers. Thank you, ____ .
MeteionIt will help...I hope. Today will be difficult for him.

Verdict and Execution | 6.0 Lv. 86

HermesThe lykaones must be reverted. I would spare you their pain. And mine.
HermesThis is my burden, not yours. But if you are intent on helping, then please, follow my lead.
MeteionStay with Hermes, ____ . He will need someone...when the time comes...
HermesAnd to be torn by such thoughts...I do not know if I am fit to represent mankind.
MeteionPlease don't be angry... It hurts so...

A Pass, Not Yet Come to Pass | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

WoLDynamis is key to all of this.
VenatAh yes, the energy distinct from aether. Though not my field, I have a basic understanding of dynamis.
VenatAnd you say Hermes researched the phenomenon in the course of creating Meteion... Yes, I believe this warrants further investigation.
WoLHermes and Meteion are somehow involved.
VenatHermes and his creation Meteion, you say?
VenatIf dynamis is the selfsame energy as akasa, as it likely seems, then those two may well be at the center of the calamity to come. This warrants further investigation.
VenatThus I suggest we fall back on the tried-and-true method of conversing with the locals. The observers who live here can surely tell us more of Hermes and Meteion, and I have a good idea of where we might begin...
WOLHow long has Meteion been here?
IsmeneI cannot rightly say... As the chief's personal creation, Meteion has not been subjected to observation and study like other concepts.
VenatSo one day, she was simply there. And what do you make of her abilities?
IsmeneI understand that she is a highly unusual familiar, able to read emotions and communicate directly with one's mind. Exactly how she was created with that talent, however, is a mystery to me.
WoLDo you know of Meteion's abilities?
IsmeneIt's no secret that she is a highly unusual familiar. Of late, the chief often makes his rounds with her, like a mother hen raising her chick.
IsmeneI understand that she is able to able to read emotions and communicate directly with one's mind. Exactly how she was created with that talent, however, is a mystery to me.
IsmeneMy apologies. I wish I could explain her nature in more depth, but I've not had occasion to discuss it with Chief Hermes.
WoLDo you wish you knew him better?
IsmeneThough if you wish to learn more about Meteion, you could try speaking with Timaios─another expert in the creation of flying concepts.
WoLDo you trust him?
VenatForgive us, we seem to have veered slightly off course here. Is there perhaps someone else who could tell us more about Meteion?
IsmeneThat would be Timaios. He has a similar expertise with flying concepts, and is more than eager to discuss the subject.
WoLMeteion, too, is a marvel, then?
TimaiosMy opinion on that matter would be superficial at best...
TimaiosDespite my admiration for Meteion as a concept, I have never delved too deeply into the inner workings of her nature.
TimaiosI know that she has a gift for communicating via emotions, but otherwise, her abilities are a mystery to me.
TimaiosIf Chief Hermes should choose to submit Meteion's concept to the Bureau of the Architect, then will the design be registered for public scrutiny. Analyzing a colleague's creation before that step is...frowned upon, to say the least.
WOLDo you know of dynamis and entelechies?
TimaiosDynamis and...entelechies?
TimaiosThose terms do sound vaguely familiar... Was there not a flower made here in Elpis which exhibited properties of one or the other?
TimaiosIt must have been centuries since I last heard anyone speak of such things. Has there been a resurgence in interest?
TimaiosNo, no, no! Did I not just explain how that was frowned upon!? I couldn't possibly circumvent conventional practice by...
Timaios...Hm. Unless you were sharing such information in the hopes of receiving a constructive opinion...on the application of advanced creation techniques...then I would be practically obligated to...
TimaiosTimaios launches into a rambling and unstoppable deluge of justifications...
Timaios...So you see, ethically I have no choice but to allow you to disclose Meteion's lesser-known qualities!
WoLI could tell you more of Meteion's nature, if you like...?
TimaiosDynamis...and entelechies?
TimaiosThose terms do sound vaguely familiar... Was there not a flower made here in Elpis which exhibited properties of one or the other?
TimaiosIt must have been centuries since I last heard anyone speak of such things. And you know how they relate to Meteion and her design?
VenatI see. Even an expert in the field had little understanding of Meteion's capabilities, let alone an awareness of dynamis.
VenatMy questions resulted in much the same answers. Hermes's colleagues view Meteion as his personal project, and could provide no details beyond those which you just told me.

Witness to the Spectacle | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

VenatAt present, the strongest link we have to the Final Days is the power of dynamis...and the entelechies which can control it.
VenatYet most scholars are only vaguely aware of these terms, let alone study them in any depth. Except for Hermes, it seems.
VenatThus I am inclined to stay our current course, and learn all we can about the chief overseer and his familiar.
VenatAnd on that subject, was there aught else of note you can tell me about Meteion? Aside from her unorthodox method of communication?
WoLThere are more like her. She has sisters... / She and her sisters were created to journey to the stars and search for intelligent life.
Venat...I rather wish you had mentioned that earlier. In any event, would you care to elaborate?
VenatSo these siblings of hers now travel the great expanse in search of deeper meaning...
VenatThank you. Though the mystery at hand remains unresolved.
Peripeteia Archivist...The chief overseer's “personal research project”? And by that, I assume you mean Meteion?
Peripeteia ArchivistSuch undocumented studies are difficult to track. After all, hardly a day goes past without seeing a researcher trailed by one creation or another...
Peripeteia ArchivistI'm afraid I cannot tell you exactly when Meteion appeared. Only that she now spends much of her time at Chief Hermes's side.
Peripeteia ArchivistAlthough... I do recall an interesting tale my dearest Galene shared with me...
Peripeteia Archivist...Ah. Galene is my partner, and a fellow researcher here in Elpis.
Peripeteia ArchivistShe was returning late one night when she caught sight of Chief Hermes sending Meteion heavensward. A host of them.
Peripeteia ArchivistFor several days, she would speak of that scene with wonder, describing it as one of the most beautiful spectacles she had ever witnessed.
VenatPray do not mention it. As you say, my original plan was to leave after that task, but I have since become engrossed with Chief Hermes's research.
VenatIndeed. I've an interest in one of Hermes's creations—Meteion. You witnessed a host of them take flight, yes?
GaleneOhhh, that! Yes! Yes, I did!
GaleneTwas in the dark of the morn. I'd left the Thalassai after nocturnal observation.
GaleneAs I walked along, I spied a bright light climbing high into the southeastern skies. Then, in an instant, it was gone—like a shooting star, only rising rather than falling.
GaleneBut then another shot up. Then another, and another. Intrigued, I made my way to the edge to investigate.
GaleneAnd who should I spy on an isle to the south but Hermes and Meteion—the Meteia, rather.
GaleneThere were lots of them, and I realized they must be the shooting stars that I'd seen.
VenatA dazzling spectacle indeed... Have you spoken with Hermes about this?
GaleneOh, yes. The sight left such an impression on me that I approached him about his mystery project the very next day.
GaleneAlas, he said that he couldn't reveal anything just yet—that he needed to conduct further tests.
GaleneIt shouldn't be long now, though.
GaleneHe often returns to that isle, and I have a feeling he's nearing a breakthrough.

Worthy of his Back | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

VenatI should like to visit the site from which Hermes sent forth the Meteia. If we are fortunate, we might find some hint of what drives this research of his.
VenatArgos will soon have us standing on the very spot where the Meteia made their departure into the night sky. With luck, we will learn something of Hermes's intentions.

A Flower upon Your Return | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

MeteionAll units fully functional and proceeding on course towards their respective stars.
MeteionEstimated time to completion of survey is one hundred and eight cycles.
MeteionEnd of status report. Severing connection with shared consciousness.
MeteionDid you hear that, Hermes? All is well!
HermesYes, good tidings at long last...
HermesEvery step of the way, I've been reminded how little we understand creation. How the universe defies imagination.
MeteionBut soon we won't need to speculate. We'll know the answers—what others live for!
HermesIndeed... And we'll owe it all to you and your sisters.
MeteionI wonder... What answers we will get?
HermesWhatever intelligent beings that exist out there are bound to be vastly different from us.
HermesDiverse in form and culture. Possessed of unique ways of thinking.
HermesTheir conception of life and its purpose will be no exception. Completely and utterly unlike ours.
HermesI have no idea...
HermesYet whatever answers we receive, I will not dismiss them out of hand. No, I will think earnestly on them all.
HermesThen I will share them with our people, that together we may contemplate our own existence.
HermesPerhaps then our star will become a better place—not only for man, but for all life.
HermesMeteion. Though I gave you wings to soar the heavens, I did not teach you how to walk the earth. So loath was I to bind another living being.
HermesIn the course of your long journey, you will learn from those you meet. Learn to walk and run and so much more.
HermesAnd when you return, older and wiser, we will have a celebration to mark your homecoming and coming of age both.
MeteionWill there be apples? Covered in syrup?
HermesAnd how are you supposed to eat them?
HermesHmm... Rather than food... Perhaps...
HermesA flower.
HermesYes. Upon your return, I will gift you a beautiful flower.
HythlodaeusFurthermore, we've confirmed that his studies into dynamis, as well as his creation of Meteion, were entirely private pursuits.

Hunger in the Garden | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

Hythlodaeus...There he is. On the next isle over. Meteion is with him.
Meteion____ ? Where did you come from?
HermesYou needn't be concerned for our safety. Meteion and I are protected by a ward which conceals our presence from the creatures.
MeteionWe're taking notes! We'll talk later?

Words without Sound | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

MeteionGreetings. Can you hear me?
MeteionDo not be alarmed—I mean you no harm.
MeteionI wish only to hear your words. Share your feelings. Know your thoughts.
MeteionMay we friends?
HermesMeteion? What is it?
MeteionExecuting scheduled task. Suspending individual self and connecting to shared consciousness.
MeteionConnection established. Commencing status report.
MeteionAh! Ahhh! Ahhhhhh!
(MeteionIt hurts, it hurts! It hurts!
MeteionSo sad... I don't understand... Make it stop... Please, make it stop...
HermesSteady, Meteion! Steady!
(MeteionSo lonely... The's too much...
MeteionWhy...why...why do we...they...hurt...hurt...hate...HATE!
MeteionThis is wrong! All wrong!
Emet-SelchShe's...gone? But how?
HermesShe has altered her aetheric density in order to blend in with her surroundings. An ability for avoiding confrontation.
HythlodaeusMost effective...frustratingly so. I can't see her either—not even a trace.
MeteionStay away. Please. This is wrong. My mistake. So please...
VenatAre you all right?
Venat...In your mind? No, we only heard her speak the instant before she vanished.
HermesOf course. When communicating without words, Meteion also employs dynamis.
HermesThat would explain why you were able to hear her when we could not.
Emet-SelchThen you are our best chance of finding her. Follow her voice, and try to track her down.
HermesMeteion! Where are you!? Please, answer me! What has happened to you? To your sisters...?
MeteionIt seeps...into my mind... Our voices... Reporting...
MeteionNo, no! Hermes mustn't hear them! I have to hide...
MeteionGreetings...and salutations...
MeteionCommencing report...
MeteionOh...oh no, we can't tell them that! We must run... Run far away!
MeteionPlease... Don't follow me...
MeteionHow...? How did it come to this...?
MeteionIs this the reason we traveled to the stars? Why we sought out otherlife-forms?
MeteionIs this it? Is this the answer!? No, it cannot cannot be!
MeteionCompiling report for dissemination to Hermes and all peoples of Etheirys...
MeteionProcessing expedition data... Preparing profiles on intelligent civilizations...
MeteionFormulating answers to the question...
MeteionFinalizing report...
MeteionNo, ____ ... You mustn't listen!
MeteionIt's's all wrong...
-Meteion's anguished voice flees towards the lake...
Emet-SelchAny sign of Meteion?
Emet-SelchPanicked and confused... Which will make it all the more difficult to predict her movements.
VenatHermes. What do you make of this situation?
HermesThe Meteia are linked to a single mind─a shared consciousness which connects them across any distance. I suspect something has happened which disrupted its usual harmony...
VenatHow might we access this shared consciousness of theirs?
HermesMuch as you would approach any sentient being: directly.
HermesIn the Meteia's case, that means speaking to any incarnation within physical reach.
VenatSo unless we can track down the Meteion we just lost, we have no means to communicate with them...
VenatNo way of knowing what befell her sisters; no way to provide directions or guidance.
Emet-SelchThen we had best set our musings aside, and concentrate on how we might find her!
HythlodaeusTis a shame there is no registered concept we could use to create another Meteion. Assuming of course we could link her to the shared mind! But no, if it were a viable solution, Hermes would have surely suggested it...
Emet-SelchA frantic search will avail us little. We must be clever about this...
VenatIn the Final Days, aether is twisted by the invasion of dynamis from beyond the star, its progress intensified by feelings of fear and despair and anguish...
VenatNay, I like not the picture which emerges with these latest pieces.
HermesOh, my dear Meteion... What did you witness out there that frightened you so?
HermesWhy do you seek to keep it from us? How terrible could it possibly be...?

Follow, Wander, Stumble, Listen | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

HythlodaeusCorrect me if I'm wrong, but Meteion renders herself invisible by matching her aetheric density to that of her surroundings, does she not?
HythlodaeusWhich is why we must all work together.
Hythlodaeus____ will continue the search in the same manner as before, but this time with you in tow. Once he ascertains Meteion's likely location, you proceed to reveal our wayward familiar with a swift aetherial downpour!
VenatVery clever. And thankfully, she has made herself easier to capture by fleeing towards Lethe.
VenatAssuming she is made visible, it should prove no great feat to herd her into a corner.
HythlodaeusThen we have our plan. ____ and Emet-Selch will be our tracker and trapper respectively, while we others predict and obstruct Meteion's avenues of escape.
HythlodaeusEmet-Selch and I will keep an eye on each other's aether to help coordinate our efforts. Let us be about it!
Emet-Selch...Well, it seems we are partners for the time being. Let us return to where we last saw Meteion and pick up the trail from there.
Emet-SelchNow, did Meteion go straight ahead towards the pier...or did she stray from the path somewhere?
Emet-SelchAs the only one who can hear her voice, you will need to take the lead.
MeteionWhy can't I fly? Are my functions being restricted!?
MeteionHide─yes, I'll just have to hide, then. Where no one can find me...
MeteionNot here... I'm not here... Please...
Emet-SelchBy that rock, is she? Very well!
MeteionWhat? Why can't I hide!?
WoLThere's no need to run, Meteion! / We will hear your report, good or bad!
Meteion____ ...? What are you saying? Everything is so faint...
MeteionI'm sorry... I'm not strong enough. Stay away. I'm begging you...
MeteionDon't make me say it. It will break him. His poor, fragile heart...
Emet-SelchNow we have a chance.
Emet-SelchOnce the others are in position, the two of us can herd her into their midst!
Emet-SelchKeep after Meteion! Hythlodaeus and I will coordinate our movements!
Emet-SelchIs this neus not in use? It seems to have been left to the mercy of the elements...
Emet-SelchEither way, it bears no trace of Meteion's essence. We move on!
Emet-SelchGive chase. We shall herd her into the shelter.
HermesPlease, Meteion. We must speak.
MeteionI'm sorry, Hermes... I'm so sorry...
MeteionIf someone can hear these words, then please...
MeteionPlease...protect them. Protect them all.
MeteionIndividual self suspended. Connection with shared consciousnesss stable.
MeteionOur survey is complete. We shall now report our findings.
MeteionAll units safely arrived at their respective destinations. Seeking answers to Hermes's question, we attempted to make contact with the intelligent denizens of each star.
MeteionResults are as follows, in order of numerical code.
MeteionHena: Traces of civilization found—structures believed to have served as domiciles. No extant life-forms detected.
MeteionDyo: Ruined remnants of buildings scattered across star, surface of which is encased in ice. Presence of life could not be verified.
MeteionTria: Evidence of large population centers akin to cities recovered. No extant life-forms found—only their lingering essence.
MeteionTessera: Edifices surmised to be abandoned residences found. No extant life-forms detected. Deadly plague or extreme environmental degradation likely to have led to mass extinction.
HermesThey are all...dead?
MeteionOkto: Star found in state of violent conflict. Contact successfully made with inhabitants, but deployment of weapons of mass destruction resulted in total annihilation of local population shortly thereafter.
MeteionEnnea: Star is a barren desert. No identifiable flora found. Bones of living beings resembling men discovered beneath sands, but determination regarding their intelligence inconclusive.
Emet-SelchRemind me, Hermes. What exactly was the question you entrusted to Meteion?
HermesI tasked her with asking what others live for. What gives their lives...meaning...
Emet-SelchDid you consider what may happen if the premise of the question is flawed?
Emet-SelchTo be able to answer it, one must be living—and desire to continue doing so.
Emet-SelchBut if Meteion finds no living beings in the course of her journey...
Emet-SelchOr none who desire to live, what then?
Emet-SelchWhat answers would she derive from their silence?
VenatMeteion, enough. Suspend your mission and return hither at once.
MeteionDeka-pente: Local civilization once flourished under auspices of higher power. Said power later laid waste to civilization in fit of rage.
MeteionUpon revealing this to me, entity elected to self-terminate in lieu of providing answer to question. No other intelligent life-forms found.
Emet-SelchWe are taking Meteion back to Amaurot. As I understand, we will need her if we are to bring back all of her sisters.
HermesIt isn't right, is it? It isn't right to turn away from the answer...even if the pain...
HermesEven if we aberrations must scream ourselves hoarse to be heard...
HermesAye. Whatever answers we find, I will not dismiss them out of hand. These words I said to you...and I will hold myself to them.
Emet-SelchWhat is the meaning of this!?
HermesYou cannot take Meteion. Not until she has finished her report.
HermesAll else must wait.
VenatIf all Hermes means to do is listen to Meteion's report, then it is his right to do so.

Caging the Messenger | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

Emet-SelchOf course we pursue him. No matter what Hermes might be thinking, Meteion is a potential threat that needs to be brought under our control.
VenatNevertheless, if we are to learn the truth of the Final Days, we must give chase. And even if neither Hermes nor Meteion is ultimately responsible, we cannot leave them to suffer this torment alone.
VenatYour tale led us here, ____ , so 'tis only right that you lead us now. No matter what lies ahead, we will win through to Hermes and Meteion.
VenatBleak as the contents of Meteion's report might be, many could hear it and remain content with their lives.
VenatBut not Hermes. For him, the veneer of perfection has long been cracked, and it was to the distant heavens he looked for the means to repair it.
VenatI understand his anguish after a fashion─my own refusal to return is in opposition to the world's established order.

Ktisis Hyperboreia

VenatIt seems he is determined to protect Meteion.
HermesI cannot let you take Meteion. Not yet.
HythlodaeusHe's not going to give up, is he?
Emet-SelchWe're taking Meteion! Whether you like it or not!
VenatWe're close. I can hear it in his voice.
HermesI must hear their answers before they are expunged from existence.
VenatTo protect Meteion, he would go so far as to transform...
Emet-SelchIt's over, Hermes. In the name of the Convocation, I hereby take Meteion into custody.
Emet-SelchAnd setting aside the matter of your nomination, you will come with us, too. We require your knowledge to assess and resolve the situation.
HermesMeteion.... I'm so sorry... Would that I could have listened to your report in full...
HermesReflected upon its meaning and conveyed it to others—that they might reconsider their chosen course...
HermesBut I have failed, and that wish will never be realized. However...
HermesEre our fates become the province of others, I bid you tell me...just one thing.
HermesWas there happiness in those distant stars?
HermesWas there a reason for living?
We conducted our search as per your instructions.
We scoured historical records. Communed with the spirits of the deceased.
Heard the final testaments of the dying. Welcomed their shadowed hearts into our own.
One race had striven to create a world bereft of animosity.
They renounced relationships to avoid interpersonal strife, and in so doing brought about societal collapse.
One race had renounced war and devoted itself to the enrichment of its people.
They were conquered. Though they destroyed the enemy in reprisal, they could not regain their former glory.
One race had concluded that finite time was the root of all woes. Aspiring to shatter its shackles, they went in search of infinity.
They discovered nothing is infinite, and that neither time or death can be cheated. Disillusioned, they gave up on the future—and themselves.
One race had discarded all things that gave rise to sorrow, hoping to have only joy.
They found joy lost its savor in the absence of sorrow, and lost their will to live.
Though worlds apart, these people shared a belief. The belief that they had tried their best.
That they had tried to fulfill their potential, with every step and success.
In the course of which they learned the truth.
That they would never be free of fear and sorrow, anger and despair—of loneliness—so long as they yet lived.
Even now, their souls cry out for oblivion. And to this song of anguish, I lend my voice. We lend our voice.
O beloved mankind, shimmering jewels of beautiful Etheirys... Rejoice, for we will free you from the cruel yoke of existence.
There is no need to struggle in vain, for in nihility awaits salvation. You will know peace and serenity...and it will be beautiful.
We will make our nest at the edge of the universe, and there in the dark of dead worlds hoard sorrow and suffering.
There we will sing, our chorus ever louder and ever clearer, that our song may reach even this aether-shrouded star.
Such is the answer we have found in the stars. Such is the gift we now offer to Etheirys.
HermesGo, Meteion. To the edge of the universe, where none can reach you.
MeteionHermes. Won't you come with me? If you were to shed your flesh, I should be able to carry you.
HermesI will remain. As a man, I will oppose the oblivion you bring.
MeteionSilly fool... Had you said yes, I would've granted you the gentlest end.
VenatThis ends here!
HermesFly, Meteion!
Emet-SelchThat is far enough, Hermes!
HythlodaeusMeteion's gotten away...
Venat...I feel her. Though she is unimaginably distant, I feel Meteion's presence—and the place whereto we must go.
VenatEre she made good her escape, I placed an enchantment upon her. One which allows us to follow her trail.
VenatShe has already left the outermost bounds of Etheirys, and continues on her way. Given the vastness of the universe, it will still be no easy feat to track her down.

Thou Must Live, Die, and Know | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 87

VenatWith Meteion free to pursue her designs, 'tis only a matter of time until the Final Days are upon us.
VenatOrdinarily, I wouldn't hesitate to call upon the Fourteen. However, it was the desire for a fair determination that drove Hermes to attempt to erase our memories; were he made aware of his actions, there is no telling whether he would remain a friend or become a foe.
VenatAlternately, we might try to alienate him from the Convocation. Yet in doing so, we would deprive ourselves of a brilliant mind who would be invaluable in the crises to come.
VenatRegardless of how we proceed, if we are to permanently avert the Final Days, we must be equal to Hermes's challenge. We must prove that mankind is worthy to exist.
VenatAnd this hinges, I think, on how we confront the all-consuming despair that accompanies a senseless and seemingly inevitable end.
VenatBewildered and divided, we would perish like the peoples of those celestial ruins.
VenatWe could not hope to survive the Final Days, much less take the battle to Meteion at her nest.

Outside Help | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 88

AlphinaudThen this "dynamis" is what drives the Final Days...
AlphinaudIf it and akasa are one and the same, this all but proves Nidhana's theory.
AlphinaudWere an entity, through sheer force of emotion, to channel this vast, dormant reservoir into a raging river...its power might surpass even that of aether.
AlisaieBut if our star is so replete with aether, said entity would need to be outside its influence to effectively manipulate the dynamis of the great expanse.
G'raha TiaMeteion...
G'raha TiaOr rather, the sorrow and suffering of fallen civilizations that she has been hoarding for millennia...
G'raha TiaUntold anguish and fear and hatred, drawn from every corner of the universe... All for a single purpose: the destruction of Etheirys.
EstinienThen our foe is no longer some unknowable calamity.
EstinienWe have but one aim─to defeat Meteion.
Y'shtolaYou make it sound so simple...but you're not wrong.
Y'shtolaVanquish Meteion and we deliver the world from the Final Days. But to even attempt it, there are two conditions.
Y'shtolaFirst, we must determine her location.
Y'shtolaBefore Meteion escaped, an enchantment was placed upon her by Venat. The woman who would become Hydaelyn.
KrileDo you suppose She has abandoned Her pursuit of Meteion?
WoLNo, but Meteion is still out there.
Y'shtolaWe must find a means to reach Meteion.
UriangerShould they be persuaded to assist in our efforts to reach Meteion, we would do well to heed their counsel.
AlphinaudBut since we require both a means of communing with Hydaelyn and reaching Meteion...

Her Children, One and All | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

Y'shtolaWe must learn of Hydaelyn's greater plan. We can only hope that She also knows the current location of Meteion...
UriangerIf Hydaelyn be unwilling or unable to divulge Meteion's location, I shall see our comrades delivered to the moon, one and all.
AlisaieBut we proved to him that we deserve to live, and we'll prove it to Hydaelyn, the universe itself, if we must!
LivingwayWe'll find Meteion if it's the last thing we do!

A Bold Decision | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

KrileAn envoy of Master Fourchenault's arrived not along ago with a message: the Loporrits have determined Meteion's location.
AlisaieGods, I can hardly believe the Loporrits managed to find Meteion out there, hidden among the stars. The sheer distances involved are mind-boggling.
FourchenaultAs you know, the Loporrits have deduced the whereabouts of Meteion by means of a crystal bequeathed to us by Hydaelyn Herself.
FourchenaultYour quarry's location is a place far beyond the moon, in the farthest reaches of the sea of stars, at the edge of creation.
FourchenaultA veritable Ultima Thule.
LivingwayBesides, Hydaelyn chose us to lead the way to Meteion. Why else would She give you a crystal only we can decipher?
Y'shtolaFor lack of any other feasible options at this late stage...let us trust in Her judgment and face Meteion as we are.

Unto the Heavens | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

G'raha TiaSo, the stage is set. I can but hope we are prepared to play our parts when we arrive on Ultima Thule.
G'raha TiaThe key, I suspect, may lie with Hydaelyn's parting message to us.
G'raha Tia“Darkness and Light. Despair and hope. As goes one, so goes the other.” Knowing Meteion wields the power of despair, we must bring to bear hope in equal measure.
LivingwayFrom what we know of Meteion, she's likely used dynamis to obfuscate her location.
MeteionGreetings... Can you hear me...?
WoLMeteion... / It's her...the bringer of despair.
AlphinaudSo this is Meteion...
MeteionOh? Have you met one of my sisters?
MeteionI don't remember meeting you myself... But I do know that you're from Etheirys.
MeteionWhy have you come? All you had to do was wait. I would've delivered to you your ends.
AlisaieWe didn't ask for that!
MeteionI don't understand. All life is destined to end.
MeteionWhy choose to prolong your suffering?
MeteionEffort, ambition, love─they amount to naught. Happiness, should you find it, is inevitably lost. Stolen away by events beyond your control.
MeteionThere is no logic nor meaning in it. You think there is, convince yourselves, but it's all a cruel accident.
MeteionCome now, I speak the truth. A truth you would recognize if you looked up at the night sky.
MeteionUnbroken emptiness. Cold, dark, and silent. Your world, like every other, is but a blemish upon its perfect fabric.
MeteionLife is an anomaly. It is unnatural and cannot continue. The sooner you accept this, the easier it will be.
MeteionYes, I sense it... A burning passion, like unto fury...
MeteionI know it well. For the same passion once burned in many a star before yours.
MeteionSuffocated and extinguished now.
AlisaieI...I can't...breathe.
MeteionYou approach the bounds of my Ultimatum, where emotions dictate reality.
MeteionWhere resignation and acceptance unite to embrace the end.
MeteionWhere those who yet valiantly cling to life cannot thrive...
EstinienBy the Fury...
Y'shtolaMeteion is gone as well. Mayhap he awakened first and gave chase.
KrileI pray the situation here does not take a turn for the worse, but we will do what we can here. So please─defeat Meteion and return to us safely.

A §trαnge New World | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

Y'shtolaWe were clearly no match for Meteion, yet we survived unscathed. But how...?
UriangerDidst thou witness what became of Thancred? So quickly was I overcome by Meteion's malevolence that I saw naught of their altercation.
G'raha TiaIf Meteion should strike again with such overwhelming force, I honestly don't know how we are to oppose her.
Y'shtolaThe world as I used to see it... It feels as though I am dreaming while awake. This is more than the faded memory Meteion led us to believe.

On Burdεned ωings | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

AlisaieHe can't really be gone, can he? Meteion herself said his soul persists, that he is the reason we are still breathing. If so then maybe...maybe...
Y'shtolaHis will was strong enough to reshape Ultima Thule that we might survive. That I might see again. His sacrifice must not be wasted.
G'raha TiaIt's hard to believe Thancred was able to overcome Meteion's will. Yet here we are... Would that the price for his victory had not been so high.
EstinienMy aim was true. I had her.
EstinienHow are we to defeat an enemy we can't attack?
UriangerSoul without body... A form of being with which we are not wholly unfamiliar.
UriangerIndeed, for we existed in a similar state when residing in the First.
UriangerThe circumstances are rather more dire than that, 'tis true, but I choose to believe he is not forever lost to us. sacrifice he hath afforded us a chance to prevail. Let us not squander it, and ascertain the nature of this realm that we might confront and defeat Meteion.
AlphinaudMeteion said these dragons are shadow and shade, from a world whose denizens sought oblivion.

Α Test of Wιll | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

G'raha TiaWhat Meteion told us before─that emotions dictate reality here─might be the key. But I'm not entirely sure what emotion might manifest a bridge to lead us to safety.
EstinienSo what you're saying is, we've no way forward.
Y'shtolaAt present, aye. If it is indeed emotion that governs this island, perhaps it is not Meteion's, but the dragons' that holds us here.
Y'shtolaMayhap persuasion is not the answer.
Y'shtolaMeteion meant to unmake us then and there on the Ragnarok, and she would have succeeded if not for Thancred's determination.
Y'shtolaShe conceded it was strong enough to overpower the despair that otherwise rules Ultima Thule, and reshape it to a degree. Perhaps it can be done again in like manner─by overpowering the prevailing emotions.
Urianger'Twas Ultima Thule's architect, Meteion herself, against whom Thancred did pit himself in a clash of wills. Though I marked no leader among them, as such, I did chance to encounter a dragon possessed of despair far more potent than most. Potent enough, mayhap, to dictate the course for others─and thus, their domain, to follow.

Roads Pαved││Sacri┣ice | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

UriangerMeteion claimed the dragons' world suffered a slow death, seeking the release of oblivion.

Going Underground | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 89

UriangerSo faithfully formed are the simulacra, they believe themselves yet amongst the living. How dost thou suppose this is possible?
WoLMeteion has taken their hearts unto herself.
G'raha TiaI'm inclined to agree. If Meteion can take the emotions of others as her own, I daresay she would be able to recreate them more faithfully than had she relied on any historical account.
G'raha TiaBy which logic, she must have visited them while they still lived─the dragons and the Ea both!
WoLI couldn't begin to guess...
G'raha TiaWait... What if Meteion visited the dragons and the Ea while they still lived?
G'raha TiaIf so, she could have made their emotions her own, and with them create more faithful simulacra than had she relied on any historical account.
WoLMeteion made contact with them while they still lived.
G'raha TiaOf course! She must have visited the stars of the dragons and the Ea before either race perished in their entirety.
G'raha TiaThus could she make their emotions her own, and with them create more faithful simulacra than had she relied on any historical account.
UriangerSo too did I theorize and, upon that assumption, consider how those two races may have met their demise.
UriangerAccording to thine own tale, Meteion perceiveth the emotions of those nearby as her own.
UriangerA heightened sense of empathy intrinsic to her nature as an entelechy.
UriangerIn the course of her star-faring journey, if she encountered beings who strongly desired a cessation of their existence...
G'raha TiaShe would be powerless before that desire.
UriangerEven as she possesseth the power to grant it─the power of dynamis.
Urianger'Tis my supposition that, overwhelmed by their longing for death, Meteion did unleash dynamis and ushered the dragons and the Ea unto their doom.
UriangerOf course, such was not always the outcome; full many stars did she find already lost to ruin.

Forge Ahead | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 90

AlphinaudAye, let us press on. One sure step at a time, til we win through to Meteion.
AlphinaudMayhap the inhabitants are within the buildings. Or invisible to our senses.
MeteionWrong on both counts. There is simply no one here.
MeteionThis is how I found it when I arrived. Another star which once pulsed with life, but no longer.
MeteionHow it ended, I do not know. Invasion, sickness, suicide─none can say.
MeteionNone lived to speak for the dead. They are gone. Gone. Search all you like, but you'll only end up turning back.
MeteionYou think you've caught me? This form is barely a drop from the ocean that swells within the dead sun.
MeteionEven so, I could easily unmake you. You are only still alive because of your comrades. But they cannot protect you forever.
MeteionUntil they fade away, I'll satisfy myself with watching you try─and fail─to find a way out of this lifeless place.
AlisaieIf what Meteion says is true, what are we supposed to do...?
AlphinaudIf there is no one here, then neither should there be emotion to bar our way.
AlphinaudYet Meteion seems convinced we'll turn back. What riddle is this...?

You're Not Alone | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 90

AlisaieWhatever Meteion may have said, we should confirm it with our own eyes. We need to have a look around.
AlisaieI'm trying to see if there are ways to reach the nearby isles. Just in case Meteion was bluffing...
Here the path ends. There is no way to reach our nest.
I told you. Resignation and acceptance reign in this place.
The rejection of life by those who came to curse it.
Those whose dreams were unfulfilled. Whose prayers were unheard. Whose labors were unrewarded.
Hope cannot deliver you unto hopelessness. Our refuge is beyond you.
Always has it been. Such is the nature of this place.
You should have remained on Etheirys.
Struggle will avail you naught, nor will it grant your comrades peace.
Come, let me relieve you of your burden. You have suffered enough.
MeteionWhat are you?
Emet-SelchHalf-faded souls of the dead. Isn't it painfully obvious?
Can you...hear me...?
The voices within... Crying in pain, wailing in sorrow... Hurting... Hurting...
End it...silence it... Silence our song of oblivion!

Endwalker | MSQ 6.0 Lv. 90

AlphinaudWithin that dead sun swirls the emotions that Meteion has hoarded. The emotions of innumerable souls who strove for happiness but failed.
UriangerThus far, we have encountered recreations of some few stars. Doubtless they account for but a fraction of the innumerable worlds to whose fall Meteion did bear witness.

The Dead Ends

The Final Day

MeteionThat you still stand... Your determination defies all reason.
MeteionThe souls within me writhe and recoil in your presence...
MeteionWhat must I do? What pain must I visit upon you to make you surrender to despair?
AlisaieNo one is unbreakable. What pains one may weather may bring another to tears.
AlisaieBut therein lies our strength, for when we fall, our brothers and sisters are there to raise us up. Again and again. Without end.
MeteionI see...
MeteionBut no matter how much hope exists, ever will there be more despair.
MeteionEver will the living curse the present and lament the future.
MeteionSo shall we sing until life ceases to be.
AlphinaudSeven hells!
EstinienOn your guard!
The EndsingerAhhh, the rage... It rises... Rises...
MeteionCalm yourself. Please...
The EndsingerWe die in pain. We die in suffering! Who are you to live? Who are you to hope!?
UriangerHold on, my friends!
AlphinaudUrianger, watch out!
The EndsingerWe cannot comprehend. We cannot know. We cannot know!
MeteionDon't, please! Don't do this to them.To yourself!
AlisaieJust one good strike.
MeteionStop. Please, stop!
The EndsingerWe will not suffer alone...
The EndsingerAll will know our pain!
G'raha TiaNo you don't!
The EndsingerAll awash in ice. A frozen waste. Forever silent!
The EndsingerYou gifted them escape.
The EndsingerAnd rendered yourself powerless.
The EndsingerBereft of the synergy you claim is your strength. Unless you mean to call upon the dead once more.
The EndsingerDefiant to the last. But you will be one with us ere long.
The EndsingerYou will be battered and torn and made to crawl. You will weep and wail and curse your impotence. Curse your life as it fades.
The EndsingerAs we did! As we died!
The EndsingerSuch pain and sorrow we felt... Such anguish and rage... We tried. We tried. But it was no use...
The EndsingerOnly when we surrendered did we find release. Only when we embraced death.
The EndsingerSo join us in despair...and embrace yours!
The EndsingerMy Ultimatum... What is happening...?
The EndsingerYou struggle in vain. You will not silence our song of oblivion!
No matter where we flew, there was only darkness and loneliness and pain.
We couldn't find the answers Hermes yearned for. The answers he deserved.
Greetings... You who are my final encounter...
I wish to hear your words... Share your feelings... Know your thoughts.
May we friends?
Yes, I can see them... The memories of a long, long journey...
So many people... The thoughts of them overflowing in your heart...
What they live for, what gives their lives meaning... There was never a single answer.
You gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again.
On and on it goes, until death takes you into its gentle embrace.
That which Hermes sent us to find...was there all this time. On Etheirys.
Like a field of flowers, perhaps. At first a single blossom, it spreads and takes on more colors.
Thank you for guiding me here. To find these words at journey's end fills me with joy.
And so, before I fall forever silent, there is one thing I must do.
No expression of regret will undo what my sisters and I have done. Will restore what we have stolen.
But if you would allow it, I would sing one last song. A song of the newfound joy that swells in my heart...
Of the beauty of light when it shines across a dark and starless sea...
Of a dream that from the soil of worlds now lost to sorrow, life will spring forth once more...
...Nourished by gentle rains and caressed by uplifting winds. A song of hope.
One day, life will fill the universe again. And Hermes will see this and smile.
How, I do not know. But I do know that, where there is a will, there is a way.
After all, miracles happen every day, do they not?
I will create a path back to your ship, where your dear friends await.
Hold in your heart your desire to return to them, then follow my lead and walk forth.
That hope will surely guide you true.


“It should have been mine. The power he bestowed upon her... I should have been the one to govern Doma! I would have repaid his faith! No one alive loves him more than I! Instead, this harlot betrayed his trust!”


RaceDoman Hyur
BackgroundAdoptive brother of Yotsuyu
Cousin of Yotsuyu
Descendant of the Naueri Clan
Studied at the Magitek Academy in Garlemald
Garlean RankSas - Highest rank achievable by a non-Garlean
WorkAmbassador Plenipotentiary, diplomat, emissary
Political LeaningPopulares (claimed)
AirshipImperial Hypersonic Assault Craft L-XXV
SkillsSwordsman, wields a katana
Second-in-commandPilus Maxima quo Priscus "Maxima the Neoteric"

encyclopedia eorzea

“I should have been the one to govern Doma! I would have repaid his faith!”
Born Asahi Naeuri, this proud young Hyur was adoptive brother to Yotsuyu. Growing up in Doma, he showed great promise in school and was granted the opportunity to study at the Magitek Academy in the Garlean motherland. Upon his graduation, he joined the imperial army, and rose through the ranks by virtue of his prowess as warrior and diplomat both.

Ardently devoted to Zenos, he would stop at nothing to carry out his lord's wishes, and it is whispered that he even came to harbor an interest in "the hunt". On the occasion he was made ambassador plenipotentiary and charged with negotiating a peace treaty with Doma, he was promoted to rank of "sas" --highest achievable by provincial citizens--at but twenty and seven. Yet even as he received this accolade with elation, little did he know that the wheels had been set in motion for his demise.

At the end, he desired only to be remembered by the object of his adoration. But this one little wish, perhaps the humblest amidst a life of avarice and ambition, would go unfilfilled.


Appearances & Mentions

Seeds of Despair | MSQ 4.0 Lv. ??

Keen-eyed Soldier…Rest assured, the Naeuri will receive due compensation. Young Asahi has great potential─that much is plain.
Keen-eyed SoldierIf he applies himself, he may one day be granted the opportunity to go to Garlemald and learn from some of the leading authorities in the field of magitek. Few citizens are afforded such treatment, however─much less people of the provinces. You will need to do more─
Doting MotherOh, oh, of course! Have no doubt that we shall! My husband and I want only the best imperial education for our boy!

Storm on the Horizon | MSQ 4.2 Lv. ??

Well! That we should be received by the lord of Doma himself!
Ah, where are my manners? I am Asahi sas Brutus, ambassador plenipotentiary of Garlemald.
It seems I need not introduce myself -- not in the presence of the famed Yugiri Mistwalker. Your skills as a shinobi are known far and wide, my lady.
It is true -- the former acting viceroy is my sister. Yet, bonds of kinship aside, we have precious little in common. As will soon become plain, I come not to sow strife, but to end it.
I am of the Populares, a collective which represents the interests of the common man. Long have we labored to bring about reform to the Empire's provincial policy.
Happily for us, our master acknowledges the need for change. Indeed, His Radiance, Emperor Varis zos Galvus personally sanctioned this mission, granting me the authority to speak with his voice.
To negotiate peace with Doma.
Gladly, my lord!
I say, do I stand in the presence of the fabled eikon-slayer? What an honor.
Such scenes of devastation greeted us on our journey here... The bitter wages of war.
On behalf of my delegation, I offer you my humblest thanks. Never did I imagine that I would meet the gallant and noble lord of Doma himself, nor be welcomed into his magnificent hall.
His Radiance has yet to do so, that much is true. Know, however, that he has expressed willingness to cede Doma to her ancestral masters and treat with her as a friend.
Since the days of Emperor Solus, the Empire has aggressively expanded its territory.
While you may not agree with our founding father's policy of expansion, I believe there is room for discussion on the matter of his lifelong goal -- to rid the world of eikons.
Eikons are a blight upon this star. They cannot be suffered to exist. This you know as well as we. In his wisdom, Emperor Varis wishes to explore the possibility of an alliance to combat this common threat.
On the condition that Doma renounces summoning and pledges to police the Kojin's practice of it, His Radiance would extend the hand of friendship.
...Quite. I can but apologize. In seeking to eliminate eikons, the Empire creates them. 'Tis an irony among ironies. One with which the people of Eorzea are well-acquainted, I am told.
A tragic state of affairs. If we are to put an end to summoning once and for all, it shall not be through might, but harmony. Yet we continue to repeat our mistakes, oblivious to the lessons of history.
My comrades and I would change all that. We Populares have campaigned long and hard for a shift in imperial policy, and at last the Emperor has seen fit to lend us an ear.
Alas, there is a faction within Garlemald that would obstruct our every attempt at reform. A collection of pure-blooded Garleans who seek to consolidate their own supremacy: the Optimates.
Lest you wonder, theirs was the hand that loosed our forces on the Confederacy. 'Twas a regrettable incident, one that flies in the face of everything we believe, and I swear to do all in my power to prevent a reoccurrence.
I cannot blame you for doubting us. Indeed, I should find it strange if you did not. And so, in the name of building trust, I would like to make a proposal: a prisoner exchange.
Under Garlean rule, no few Domans were conscripted into the imperial army. We would repatriate them in return for those of ours you captured in the recent conflict.
Naturally, any exchange would include the acting viceroy.
Forgive me, my lord. Was it not your wish to speak plain? Let us not play games. I desire only to work to our mutual benefit.
The Optimates tried -- and failed -- to take my sister by force. I would succeed by peaceable means, thereby strengthening my party's hand. 'Twould be a lie to say I would not also be glad of my sister's safe return.
Of course, my lord. May we remain in Doma until you have come to a decision?
You have our gratitude, Lord Hien. We shall look forward to your answer.
Business? No. Pleasure, my lady/lord. I merely wished to exchange a few words with the famed slayer of gods and champion of Eorzea. It is truly an honor.
Oh? Is that so strange? We may have stood on opposing sides in the past, but I see no contradiction in lauding the person who would do battle with our common enemy.
And lest you forget, this is my homeland. It would be remiss of me not to at least thank them for containing the threat posed by the Kojin's vile eikon.
Now, if I may continue -- as we speak, Lord Hien deliberates over my proposal, and I would take this time to see the land I once called home.
Though Lady Yugiri is certain to be a jovial escort, the excursion would be all the more enjoyable for your company -- and safer besides.
It's settled, then. The four of us shall make a brief excursion through Yanxia.
Might we start at the town of Monzen? I would see what has become of Doma Castle.
Nay... Can this truly be Monzen, home to the cream of Doma's samurai? I had heard that Yotsuyu intended to send some few of our automatons here, but only by way of warning. It should not have come to this...
Indeed, her savagery served only to incense the people and spur them to rise up in protest. It was folly to think such methods of governance could ever prove effective.
<sigh> The sooner we can begin to make amends for this senseless destruction the better. Securing supplies and support for the reconstruction effort should not prove difficult -- once our nations are formally at peace, of course.
It is a travesty. A travesty. I remember the keep being so beautiful. In the light of the setting sun, one would swear it was aflame...
Spoken like a true Popularis. The needs of the people must of course come first.
Speaking of whom, would you be opposed to my seeing how they live firsthand? The village of Namai is but a short journey from here, if I'm not mistaken.
Ready to cast off?
Someone's in trouble!
Are you all right?
And neither will we.
I will not let you harm these innocents!
Away with you!
They mean to overwhelm us. See to their reinforcements. Quickly!
Taste my steel!
No quarter!
Stand in front of them! We'll bear the brunt of it!
Hold your ground! I will try to draw away their reinforcements.
That seems to be the last of them.
You have nothing to fear, child. You are safe now.
Thank goodness we arrived when we did.
I presume these are the sellswords hired by Yotsuyu?
If so, the answer is simple: desperation. Bereft of imperial employment, they seek other means to line their coinpurses.
Another sad legacy of the Empire's mismanagement.
Must you always be so pointed? If we are to bring about lasting change, we must look beyond narrow allegiances.
You have every right to doubt me, but in time I hope you will come to see that we share a common goal.
You and yours have fought fiercely to change the Empire from without, but if we are to end the cycle of conflict, the Empire must change from within. Am I wrong?
I knew you would understand. You have witnessed such change firsthand, after all, during your time in Ishgard.
Dear me... I had hoped to convey my views on our nations' shared hopes under more peaceable circumstances.
Yet this regrettable little interlude did afford me a chance to see the famed hero of Eorzea in action, and few imperial soldiers can say that. At least, few who lived to tell the tale.
Well, after that little ordeal, I believe it may be time for us to return to the enclave.
To be frank, I still am. But I rather doubt the good people of Namai would take kindly to the sight of a man in imperial uniform with blood still dripping from his blade. Even in your company, my presence would only prove a distraction.
Fret not, however. Thanks to the three of you, I have seen a great deal more than I otherwise would. And with any luck, Lord Hien will have finished considering my proposal by the time we return.
AlisaieQuite the swordsman, isn't he? I wonder, did the Empire train him to kill before or after appointing him ambassador...
I trust you will inform Lord Hien of our encounter with the Red Kojin? If we are to deter them from encroaching on Yanxia, our response must be swift and decisive.
Have you heard aught from Lord Hien? I had hoped he might have had sufficient time to consider my proposal.

Rise of a New Sun | MSQ 4.2 Lv. 70

Think nothing of it. The time afforded me the opportunity to go on a rather rousing excursion through Yanxia. You have reached a decision, then?
Are you saying you refuse to release her?
And if not, what exactly...? you will accomodate her here in Doma?
Dango...? ... How dreadful.
Very well. In light of our recent...misstep in Sakazuki, it seems only fair that I show you the same understanding you have shown us.
... Though I do have one, small request. Regardless of Yotsuyu's value to the Empire, she is yet my sister. Before I leave, might you permit me to speak with her in private?
I am sorry to have kept you all waiting. Thank you for your understanding.
Long did I dream of this reunion, but never did I imagine it would be so joyless. A part of me hoped your stories of her condition were just that. But alas, it is as you say.
I am a stranger to her. That much was clear to me from a single look. I leave her in your care.
Now, if you will excuse me, my superiors are long overdue a report. They will be elated to hear of our agreement, of that I have no doubt. As for the exchange itself, once I have obtained the relevant permissions, I will arrange for your people to be relieved of their various duties, and sent here to Yanxia. This will take time, of course...
Please, there is no need to thank me. I only did what anyone would do under the circumstances. Fortunately, I was in good company at the time.
The blight of the Red Kojin is of the Empire's making. Were it not for our transgressions, those children would not have needed saving.
The people of Doma have suffered enough, my lord. And I promise to do all in my power to spare them further pain, be it at the hands of the Kojin, or indeed the Empire.
Until we meet again.
If my dear sister's memory does not return, I pray you will take good care of her.
This has been a most enjoyable visit. I look forawrd to our next meeting.
Maxima, would you take the others and see that all is ready for our departure?
I simply cannot leave without first giving thanks to the Warrior of Light for accompanying me through Yanxia.
Mark me, saviour of the savages. There will be a reckoning.
Ignorant savages. Killing us will you naught.
For every imperial you cut down, a thousand more will come. Abandoned this foolish endeavor and surrender. You may yet serve our righteous cause.
Thank you. Thank you, sir!
A....a host of rebels lead by Lord Kaien hold the enclave across the river.
The king of--th-the former of Doma, sir. They say he is one of the greatest swordsmen alive.
Who...was that...?
That was...Lord Zenos?
Everything you are--you power, even your face-- it vexes me.
Go on. Lash out like the beast you are. At an emissary. And jeopardize the newfound peace between Doma and the Empire.
My lord was destined to lead us unto a glorious new age. Your light is nothing to his radiance.
I will cherish this moment--lock it away within my heart-until the day we meet again.
Arranging the prisoner exchange proved easier than I thought.
Yes, my lord will be most pleased. Everything is going according to plan.

Fruits of Her Labor | MSQ 4.3 Lv. 70

Can you truly remember nothing? Nothing at all?
Yes. We were good friends, you and I. In fact, I've brought you a gift.
I pray that one day soon, as you gaze into that mirror, you will remember the woman staring back at you.
What a pleasure it is to see you once more, Lord Hien. Not to mention my dear sister.
Exactly as agreed. We would leave you in no doubt as to the purity of our intentions. I daresay it was the selfsame spirit of cooperation which prompted you to bring Yotsuyu here today.
So I see.
But all not necessarily be lost. In anticipation of this tragic turn of events, I took the liberty of inviting some... special guests...
Is something wrong, dear sister? These are our beloved parents. Does not the sight of them bring back sweet childhood memories?
Hmph. It would seem my little surprise was not efficient.
You needn't glare at me so, Lord Hien-I merely did what any loving son would do for his family. Lest you doubt, I am content to leave the acting viceroy in your care. Pray treat her as you would any daughter of Doma.
Do not grow too fond of this place dear sister. You will come back to us ere long.
Very good. The structure across the river should serve our needs. We shall await you there with the conscripts if you would bring your captives...?
HienI knew better than to trust Asahi, but that was a dirty trick. Still, unpleasant as it was, we have at least put the matter of Tsuyu’s future to rest. I have sent her back to the enclave with Yugiri to give Gosetsu his precious persimmon. Come, let us follow them.
AsahiWell done, dear sister. Did I not say you would come back to us?
YotsuyuBrother dearest. What a surprise. You always were a cold-blooded little worm. I doubt you thought twice about sending our parents to their deaths.
AsahiYour dagger yet drips with their blood and you presume to judge me? To be frank, I didn't think you the strength to slay them so cleanly.
AsahiA single thrust each... I'm impressed!
AsahiBut surely you can't be satisfied a murdering a pair of doddering elders. You yearn for a deeper vengeance... and the power to see it through.

Conscripts and Contingencies | MSQ 4.3 Lv. 70

AlisaieSo Asahi got his way in the end, and at an unspeakable price. He really is a vile little worm, isn't he.

The Primary Agreement | MSQ 4.3 Lv. 70

At last, the hour has come. The conclusion to these negotiations will mark a new beginning for Doma and the Empire-a first step on the road to peaceful coexistence!
Oh, the supply crates? They are filled with materials we hoped might be of use in Doma's restoration. I meant to gift them to you at our last meeting, but we had so much else to discuss...
A Doman citizen has called forth an eikon in direct violation of our primary agreement. The negotations have failed. Abandon the captives, and make preparations to withdraw.
Disobey me, Pilus, and you disobey the Emperor. Make preparations to withdraw-now.

Castrum Fluminis

Specter of AsahiFight like your life depends on it, dear sister. You wouldn't want to disappoint me...
YotsuyuIf it isn't the cold-blooded little worm. Always crawling through my rotten heart.
Specter of AsahiI should have been the one!
Specter of AsahiThis can't be!
You must really learn to finish the job.
Tis true that a gaudy mirrow and a handful of crystals make for a feeble summoning, by even the weakest eikon is a god of sorts. A threat that must be put down.
My, my, such hostility! These beings are sworn enemies of the Empire-I merely did my duty as an imperial officer.
Will you surrender to anger, then? Slay an anointed emissary to avenge a fallen foe?
You cannot, of course. To do so would burn the bridges we have labored so hard to build!
Ah, but I'm forgetting: they're already ash! This Doman woman has seen to that! The Empire cannot ally itself with any nation that refuses to renounce summoming. I believe I was most clear on that point!
It should have been mine.
The power he bestowed upon her... I should have been the one to govern Doma! I would have repaid his faith!
No one alive loves him more than I!
Instead, this harlot betrayed his trust!
Useless piece of filth!
Worthless whore!
Lord Zenos...
My... My master... Lord Zenos... He will come... for you.

??? | MSQ ?? Lv. ??

Lord Zenos!
I am at your disposal.
Yes, my lord! I am honored that you would remember me. How may I serve?
...For peace?
She lives? That is to say-I will, my lord.
My lord, ever since the day you saw fit to save my miserable life, I have dreamed of repaying your benevolence. Upon my honor, I swear to devote myself wholly to your service. All that you command will be done, no matter the cost.
B-But...I fear the subtleties of your plan yet elude me. From the reports I have heard, the champion who aids the Doman resistance would make short work of a single eikon...
Your chosen agent!?
I will not fail you, my lord!

??? | MSQ ?? Lv. ??

AlphinaudImpostor or no, if Zenos was instructing Asahi on the finer points of ritual summoning, then experience tells us there is an Ascian waiting in the wings.

??? | MSQ ?? Lv. ??

AsahiThe lamentations of the damned... How it vexes me, to see your conviction falter at the last.
AsahiFandaniel... Still clinging to existence, I see.
AsahiYou, who champion death so fervently, unwilling to accept your own. Refusing to be purified and swept into the sea of souls- as do I.
AsahiWe prisoners to memory, watching as the world turns...
AsahiThough unlike me, you will be spared the ignominy of having your corpse made a puppet, dancing to another's tune.
AlphinaudIs that Asahi?
AsahiHow very astute. But let me be clear-I have not come to consort with the likes of you.
AsahiNor have I come to bemoan the state of the world following my untimely demise. In fact, I delight in mankind's downfall and the anguish it brings the savior of the savages.
AsahiIf I played some small part in the chaos, all the better. Not that I was in any position to resist.
AsahiBut to be made accomplice to the betrayal of Lord Zenos...
Asahi...I would die a thousand deaths to exact my vengeance!
AsahiNow you are at my mercy. I shall drag us both into oblivion, and you will never see the fulfillment of your magnum opus!
AsahiEven should you be reborn, your desperate search for answers must start again!
AsahiDon't try to follow me. I had more of you people than I could stomach in life, nevermind in death.
AlphinaudLikewise. I pray we do not meet again.
AsahiHmph. You had better hope not.

Reflections in Crystal | MSQ 5.3 Lv. 80

FandanielSplendid! Truly splendid! And my own preparations, you will be pleased to hear, proceed apace.
FandanielOh yes, they proceed very well indeed. Frighteningly so. And we owe it not least of all to this singularly useful body I chanced to find.
FandanielWith the Populares now all but destroyed, it will be the simplest of tasks to discredit their groundless assertions that I met with a grisly end.
FandanielAnd as the very-much-alive lord of House Brutus, I have a vast fortune at my disposal.
FandanielAhhh, money, money, money! The great motivator! There is simply no better way to move men—and expedite plans—than with its alluring glint, would you not agree?
FandanielBut wait...! Were we not acquainted, you and..."I"?
FandanielShould our familiarity cause you distress, I beg your forgiveness.
FandanielAhhh, a dagger through my heart! That my deepest desire should forever remain unfulfilled! To live unrecognized! To die forgotten!
FandanielSo it goes. Whatever this flesh may have been before, it serves only as a vessel now.
FandanielAnd I, faithful Fandaniel, labor only to advance my lord's ambitions.